Ok, so I just realized that for the past 2 months, I've posted on the 21st of the month. Weird!!! It's not that I don't think about posting at other times. I honestly think about it quite often. It never fails, though, that I get distracted by my precious hooligans, or I'm sucked into the ever-so-wonderful Mallow (that's what we call our bed with the
poofy down comforter). Having 2 little boys,
momnesia, and life-threatening narcolepsy don't make for frequent posts. Enough of the excuses. I'm moving on.
Lots has happened in the past month. Jack finally decided to feed himself and hold his own cup. This new advancement has revolutionized life in the Larsh house! I'm not exaggerating. Jack has also developed a very extensive vocabulary including the words book, ball, grape, water, and teeth as well as various animal sounds and some signs. We're very proud of our little genius. He's quite the ham. Luke has doubled in size I'm sure. I can't believe how fast the time goes.
Today was Sunday. We started our day with the craziness of getting 4 people ready for church. This might not sound challenging, but when you throw in 2 babies, a mommy who desperately needs a hair cut, and a daddy who is slow to wake up, things can get very interesting. We were excited to get to go to church, b/c it was canceled last week b/c Ike knocked out the power. Boo to hurricanes!!!! After lunch and nap time for the little dudes, we ventured out on a quest to explore the world of photography books (I'm considering a new hobby) and to get Jack a new ball. On our way to the big bad Walmart, a colony of invisible meerkats blocked the entire street, forcing us to detour through the Sonic drive-thru. This is where the magic occurred. It is safe to say that I have arrived at a euphoric state. I have reached the status I have been dreaming about for a long time. Let me explain. When we go to Sonic, I have a slightly unusual drink that I like to order- half Diet Coke, half Diet Dr. Pepper with diet cherry and vanilla. We lovingly call this concoction The Brew. I have long wished that the Sonic employees would recognize my order. Today, it happened. Chad always prefaces my order by warning the drive-thru employee that "this is complicated." It gives them a heads-up. Usually Anna is working the window, and she can recognize the order when we go 2 days in a row (we live on the edge during happy hour on the weekends). Today, a new girl recognized our order. She told us at the window that she started making it even before Chad finished ordering. I HAVE ARRIVED! They know me. They know my order. All I need need now is to be able to pull up and say, "This is Carrie, and I'd like the usual please." Today was one small step for man, but it was a giant leap toward Sonic bliss.
I would like to take a minute to thank all of you who are still reading. I have a tendency to be rather verbose.
Back to the lazy Sunday. We continued our outing, Sonic drinks in hand. We needed 1% milk for the grown-ups and Whole Milk for Mr. Jack. I had also promised Jack that he could get a new ball since he LOVES balls. Jack actually saw the balls before we did and started shouting "BA BA BA!!!" He was so excited. Imagine his heartbreak when we left the first batch of bouncy orbs to search for the really big ones. Despite my best efforts, his 14.5 month-old brain couldn't understand that we were going to keep looking at our options and then make a choice. When no beach-ball size balls could be found, we returned to the first bin. After some debate, we selected a green and blue swirl ball. It looks like a globe. Jack carried the ball all through the store and announced to everyone that he was indeed getting a new ball. He did not like it when we had to take the ball to pay for it or when we had to remove it from his grip in order to put him in his car seat. The boy loves to play ball!!! After Walmart success (with the exception of the scanner's inability to read the barcode on my nail file), we journeyed home. Jack held his new treasure the entire way. You would think we bought him the world. In a way, I guess we did. We bought him a ball that looks like a globe. It's quite possibly the best dollar we've ever spent!