It is not uncommon for Chad to say, "I have a sweet tooth." My reply to this is, "I have a mouth full of sweet teeth." There's just something about a taste of something sweet after dinner (ok...after lunch too) that finishes things off just right. Call it a sugar fetish or a chocolate addiction. Call it whatever you want, but I call it desiring to sample the sweeter things in life and wanting to be well-balanced. After all, chocolate comes from beans which are very good for you. Right?
Anyway, I have a couple of thoughts on desserts. The first one is that we should enjoy our sweet indulgences like Jack enjoyed his first birthday cake. I'll figure out how to post pictures and add them later so you can see the full effect. In honor of his first birthday, we bought Jack his very own 5 inch round cake complete with decadent whipped frosting, green writing, and a #1 candle (which he almost grabbed while it was still lit). This was his first dessert encounter in which he had the control. We weren't just giving him tiny samples. He had the whole glorious cake to himself to do with whatever he pleased. It didn't take but a few seconds after o-so-lovely rendition of "Happy Birthday" finished and after I saved his hand from the flame that he reached his curious hand into the creamy goodness of his cake. When I say reached, I mean grabbed. He entire hand was COVERED in frosting. He then proceeded to cover both hands, both arms, his chest, and some of his head with the icing. As I mentioned, the writing and trim icing on the cake was green, which turned the rest of the icing green as Jack played with it. By the time all was said and done, Jack looked a lot like Oscar the Grouch. Now, in all the theatrics, how much cake did Jack actually eat? I can't say for certain, but I know he probably wouldn't have tasted a single bite if I didn't feed him some. All that to say, he thoroughly enjoyed himself, tasted just a little of t he sweetness, and burned calories in the process. I wish I could be that way with my desserts, minus being totally covered in it, I suppose because other people might be alarmed if I covered myself in ice cream next time we go to Marble Slab. Oh, the joys of childhood.
Last night Chad's softball team played a double header. The boys and I went to cheer him on. It was a great excuse to use our awesome double stroller, get some sun, and see some friends. We have a philosophy about softball games that comes from a Brian Regan sketch on t-ball. Whether you play half the game or the whole game, you get a whole snow cone. Now, a double header certainly deserves a more delectable dessert than a snow cone. After the games were over, and we were safely inside our CRV Mifflin, I asked Chad what his sweet tooth was craving. Seeing as how we were all drenched from the unexpected downpour that coincided with the last 15 minutes or so of the 2nd game, we decided to go somewhere close to home to grab some dinner and sweet treat. That meant Wendy's. We ordered are burgers, fries, and a medium frosty, and headed home. As an aside, I'm certain the frosty sizes are getting smaller. We ate our late dinner, fed both the boys, put them to bed, somehow avoided an emotional breakdown due to exhaustion, and eventually settled onto the couch to enjoy our frosty. The first couple of bites were magical. Nothing like cold, creamy, chocolately goodness at the end of a long day. Suddenly, to our horror, one of our bites revealed a chasm in the center of the frosty. I'm serious. The entire center of the cup was empty. There are somethings in this world that are supposed to have holes in them- a donut, a tire, a ring, a life preserver, a hula hoop, but a frosty is NOT one of them!!! We had been gipped for sure. If we didn't have kids, and it hadn't been so late, I might have gone back up to Wendy's and asked for a replacement. Instead, we just stared into the abyss in the middle of our late-night post-game escape. Fortunately, the frosty's tastiness factor was not affected by it's lack of volume. The moral of the story is either check your dessert before leaving the venue, or get 2 just to be safe.
I can't believe that I was able to write this with out stopping to get a sweet treat. I guess finishing the rest of the sad frosty after lunch helped.