Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Never a Dull Moment

I'm sitting in A's nursery, which is also the home of our family computer. Currently, A is in my lap ( he's a little fussy from his shots), Jack is working with an Allen wrench, and Luke has just been told that the changing table is not a fort. Minutes ago, Jack was standing behind me pretending to dry my hair with his toy drill turned blowdryer. I just love his imagination!

There is always something going on around here, that's for sure. In the crazy hustle and bustle that is life with three children, I am so often guilty of getting overwhelmed and frustrated with my kids. I find myself saying no when I should say yes, ignoring things that I shouldn't, and missing out on opportunities to play and teach. Another of my goals this year it to treasure each day, each moment more. I'm going to try to challenge myself to let my kids be independent and trying more "big kid" things without worrying too much about the mess that might result. So far, that's been letting my big 2 use scissors. Sitting at the dining table with their new scissors and being able to go to town on pieces of construction paper has been super fun for them and good for me.

Today, A and I were able to have some time just the 2 of us. Now, we were at a doctor's check-up, we were by ourselves nonetheless. We had a great time playing cars, talking, and snuggling. It was a precious time that I know God used to knit our hearts closer together. After over 2 months of trying in my own strength to make us bond, I've finally started praying that God would love him through me. What he has done in the past few days has been nothing short of a miracle.

I'm thankful that the daily performance of the Larsh Family Circus has an intermission. We are certainly a family that believes in, embraces, and relies on siestas. I'm off to quiet the troops with a book and some snuggles before tucking them in for their naps. Rest well!

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